Hail and Farewell!
Paula Rychtar Editorial Supervisor Mariners Weather Log

Steve Pritchett, VOS Program Manager
It is with a bit of sadness that we will be saying goodbye to John Wasserman the Program Manager for the U.S. VOS program. John was such an asset to VOS, he will be truly missed. With other irons in the fire, John has decided to take another position within the National Data Buoy Center working with Dart Buoys; a much needed position to be filled here at the NDBC and one that should be a great fit for John. As we say farewell to John and good luck in your new position, we will say HAIL to VOS’s new program manager, Steve Pritchett. Steve brings a lot of experience with him as he has been involved for over the past 20 years at NWS headquarters in managing and working in a number of national programs, such as VOS. This comes after nearly 20 years of working in the field. So it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you and welcome Steve to the Voluntary Observing Ship Program family.