The Worldwide Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme The United States VOS Project Mission TurboWin Software Port Meteorological Officers VOS Conference iVOS VOS Ship Resource Page Mariners Weather Log Observing Handbook No. 1 VOS Awards Weather and Marine Related Links VOSClim ![]() |
Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
Time | Event | Presenter |
1800 – 2100 | Welcome/Gathering | Hollywood Hotel Lounge |
(Relaxed and casual gathering on the arrival of participants. On your own $)
Timekeeper: Terry Brisbin (SRH) Scribe: Wayne Weeks (NWSHQ)
*PMO and Regional/Manager Briefs (Focus topics indicated in Italics)
Time | Event | Presenter |
0830 - 0900 | Morning Coffee/Tea | |
0900 - 0915 | Welcome-Meeting Overview and Goals/Logistics VOS Program Manager VOS Operations Manager OPS 51 Branch Chief |
Steve Pritchett Paula Rychtar Joe Swaykos |
0915 - 1000 | Deputy Director, NOAA’s National Weather Service Keynote Speaker Establishing a framework for success |
Laura Furgione |
1000 - 1025 | Director, NWS Office of Science and Technology Observations Portfolio perspective |
John Murphy |
1025 - 1050 | Welcome – NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center Director of NDBC/ Deputy Director NDBC NDBC Command Brief |
Helmut Portmann Kathleen O’Neil |
1050 - 1100 | VOS Program Manager/VOS Operation Manager State of VOS |
Steve Pritchett/Paula Rychtar |
1100 - 1130 | Break (30 min) | |
1130 - 1145 | Houston PMO (SR) Overview Turbowin + |
Chris Fakes |
1145 - 1200 | Seattle PMO (WR) Marine Debris Surveys |
Matt Thompson |
1200 - 1215 | Duluth PMO (CR) Turboweb, how it is utilized through cell-phone, DMAWDS District 9 USCG Cutters and their observations, Shipmasters Association |
Ron Williams |
1215 – 1310 | Lunch (55 min) | |
1310 – 1340 | New York/New Jersey PMO (ER) Port Vision – demonstration for its uses and benefits |
Jim Luciani |
1340 - 1355 | Charleston PMO (ER) PMO Area of Responsibility |
Tim Kenefick |
1355 -1410 | Norfolk PMO (ER) Coordination efforts promoting observations from the Chesapeake Bay | Pete Gibino |
1410 – 1425 | Jacksonville PMO (SR) Growth and expansion of JAX ports and WFO support efforts and Responsibilities. Maritime partners in community. |
Rob Niemeyer |
1425 - 1440 | Alaska PMO Focal Point (AR) Alaska ship observation encoder, websites, data collection and Team members |
Larry Hubble |
1440 – 1455 | Miami/Port Everglades PMO (SR) Newly initiated cost effective practices. |
Dave Dellinger |
1555 – 1510 | Baltimore PMO (ER) OPC interaction | Lori Evans |
1510– 1535 | Break (25 min) | |
1535 – 1545 | AR Marine, Public and Severe Weather Program Manager NWS AR Headquarters AR overview and goals of VOS AR perspective |
Louise Fode |
1545 – 1555 | SR Public and Marine Program Mngr. NWS SR Headquarters SR overview and Tsunami’s |
Melinda Bailey |
1555 - 1605 | Program Support Division NWS WR Headquarters Overview and goals of VOS WR perspective |
Jeff Lorens |
1605– 1615 | Deputy SOD Chief NWS ER Headquarters Overview and goals of VOS ER perspective |
Hector Machado |
1615 – 1625 | Transportation Sector Services PM NWS CR Headquarters Overview and goals of VOS CR perspective |
Brian Hirsch |
1525 – 1640 | NWSEO President | Dan Sobien |
1640 - 1700 | Senior International Program Analyst Cooperation and Compliance with The International Community. |
Jennifer Lewis |
1700 | Adjourn for the Day | |
1800 – 2000 | Ice- Breaker – Hollywood lounge at Hollywood Hotel |
Timekeeper: Melinda Bailey (SRH) Scribe: Jeff Lorens (WRH)
Time | Event | Presenter |
0830 – 0900 | Morning Coffee/Tea | |
0900 – 0930 | NWS Reorganization, how will VOS be affected,where does VOS fit in? *PPA’s *Budget *Normalization of VOS under Headquarters |
Steve Pritchett |
0930 – 1000 | United Kingdom- Ship Observations Manager E-SURFMAR VOS Activities/VOS recruitment |
Sarah North Ship Observations Manager |
1000 – 1015 | National Climatic Data Center SEAS 2000 Archive Issues Data Flow Importance of US VOS reports for ICOADS and the International Community. |
Eric Freeman Marine Observation Analyst |
1015 - 1030 | Ocean Prediction Center OPC perspective on the value of the relationship Between the VOS program and the PMO’s.Data Quality, how the data is used, ship data ingested into the Models and How data is flagged for errors. |
Christy Schultz Technical Ops Coordinator Meteorologist |
1030 - 1045 | Break (15 min) | |
1045 – 1100 | National Hurricane Center Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch Chief -Proposed E Pacific offshore waters forecast -Recent changes to Radio-fax charts -TAFB gridded marine forecasts to commercial users |
Hugh Cobb |
1100 – 1115 | Environmental and Safety Program Manager NWS SR Headquarters Port Safety |
Terry Brisbin |
1115 - 1130 | USCG Search and Rescue Operations Program Manager Commandant AMVER |
Jack R. Frost |
1130– 1230 | Lunch (*be back promptly by 1225 if you intend to go on the tour, bus will be waiting) | |
1230 – 1320 (*1230 – 1320) |
Tour of NDBC (50 min) *PMO’s - Turbowin Training (50 min) “PMO’s only” |
Matt Thompson Chris Fakes |
1320 – 1335 | Office of Marine and Coastal Services Branch NWS Headquarters Marine Web Portal |
Wayne Weeks Meteorologist |
1335 – 1350 | AOML Physical Oceanography PMO contributions to AOML Ocean Observations Global Drifter Program |
Shaun Dolk |
1350 -1405 | AOML, Oceanographer AmverSEAS development/Status and Plans |
Francis Bringas |
1405 – 1510 | Breakout Session: Position Description for PMO’s (two groups) ·10 Min- for identifying specific questions, issues and challenges. ·5 Min- for choosing: Group leader (keeps session participants on task) Timekeeper (insures the group stays within time constraints) Spokesperson (to report back with results for action) ·40 Min- for group participation within the breakout session. ·10 Min- for the Spokesperson to report results. |
1510 – 1540 | Break (30 min) | |
1540 – ~1700 | Breakout Sessions: Equipment Plan /Database Updates
*Two concurrent Sessions will be held.
We will hear the outcome of them both with the remainder of time. · 10 Min- for identifying specific questions, issues and challenges. · 5 Min- for choosing: Group leader (keeps session participants on task) Timekeeper (insures the group stays within time constraints) Spokesperson (to report back with results for action) · 45 Min- for group participation within the breakout session. · 15 Min- for the Spokesperson to report results. |
1700 | Adjourn for the Day | |
1830 till.... | Dinner at Bogart’s Steakhouse, Bay St. Louis, Hollywood Hotel |
Timekeeper: Brian Hirsch (CRH) Scribe: Hector Machado (ERH)
Time | Event | Presenter |
0830 – 0900 | Morning Coffee | |
0900 – 1045 | Panel Discussion via Telecom/”goto” meeting External Customer Forum- Customer Service/Products/Improvements · 0900-0905: Introductions and Instructions · 0905-0925: Panelist #1: Commander Jeremy M. Adams, NOAA OMAO NOAA Liaison to the USCG, CG-5PW · 0925-0945: Panelist #2: LCDR Lindsay Kurelja, NOAA OMAO MO Crew Supervisor · 0945-1005: Panelist #3: Captain Scott Putty, Asst Professor of the Practice Department of Marine Transportation Texas A and M Maritime Academy 1005-1025: Panelist #4: Captain Rick Smith, New York Maritime Master of the training ship EMPIRE STATE, New York Maritime College · 1025 – 1045 Open forum/questions and answers |
Jeff Lorens, Moderator |
1045 – 1105 | Break (20 min) | |
1105 – 1115 | VOS recruitment practices overview | Sarah North Ship Observations Manager |
1115– 1225 | Breakout Session: Recruitment practices (2 groups) · 10 Min- for identifying specific questions, issues and challenges. · 5 Min- for choosing: Group leader (keeps session participants on task) Timekeeper (insures the group stays within time constraints) Spokesperson (to report back with results for action) · 35 Min- for group participation within the breakout session. · 20 Min- for the Spokesperson(s) to report results. |
1225 – 1325 | Lunch | |
1345 – 1400 | Goals for 2015-16 (Short Term) | Steve Pritchett |
1400 – 1430 | Long Range Goals/Plans (2016-25) Open Forum discussion |
Steve Pritchett |
1430 - 1500 | Break (30 min) | |
1500 – 1530 | Review of Meeting | Steve Pritchett/Paula Rychtar Scribes (All) |
1530 – 1700 | Establish Action Items/Dates Preliminary Final Report for review |
Steve Pritchett/Paula Rychtar Scribes (All) |
Closure of Meeting |
When you exit I10 for Stennis, you will come to this guard gate. If you have a CAC card, show that and proceed. If you don’t, you will need to go to the adjacent building and acquire a pass for the three days. Paula Rychtar will be your sponsor. I will need to know in advance who I will be sponsoring. If you do need to get a pass, arrive accordingly as there can be a long line waiting for badges.
paula.rychtar@noaa.gov228-327-3210 or
U.S. Dept. of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Voluntary Observing Ship Program 1325 East-West Highway Suite 312 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Contact Us Page last modified: |
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