VOS Program Says Fair Winds to Outstanding Supporter
On March 19, 2007, Commander Jim Meigs, the Commanding Officer of the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter retired from active service and he will be terribly missed. Since taking over the command in October of 2005, the Gordon Gunter increased its observations in the first year by over 53% and continued to provide over 1000 observations per year after that. His contributions to the VOS program do not end with marine weather observations. The VOS program, over the years, has been trying to develop automated weather observing systems for shipboard use. Without hesitation, Commander Meigs offered the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter as the first field test site. After installation was completed, he allowed a NDBC representative and a NWS VOS Port Meteorological Officer to ride on board for data comparison. Commander Meigs’ efforts allowed the software developers a chance to identify success/shortcomings of the system and it also provided the opportunity to understand and demonstrate the logistics of deploying and operating one of these systems thus saving significant NOAA development funds
Commander, Your overall positive attitude and commitment to excellence are unwavering and consistent with NOAA values and exemplifies a true spirit of interagency cooperation. Fair Winds Shipmate & enjoy your Snug Harbor.
— Luke

NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter

Paula Campbell (PMO New Orleans) presents Commander Jim Meigs with a congratulatory plaque for his dedicated services to the VOS program.